Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 22 - Written test

Today is the day of my written test!!! Oh my god! I’m so anxious for the time of the test to come quickly!!! My motto for the test: Get it over and done with! =) But it doesn’t mean that I will give slipshod work. So please do not misunderstand my motto!!!

On the way to the examination classroom, I saw many of my classmates studying while walking. The road to the examination hall is connected to many roads where cars will drive through, yet they are so engrossed in their final revision that road safety was the least of their concern. The only thing that was passing through my mind was, stop stressing me! >.<

Once we entered the classroom, we were immediately ushered into our seats by Ms Neo and the test commenced! The test was do – able and passing should not be a problem. I hope. >.<

After the test, Ms Neo decided to let us off, as we studied till late for the test. So, it was off to shopping for us!!! We traveled to the shopping mall by an hour’s bus ride, and the ride was so bumpy that we couldn’t stand straight. We saw something interesting on the bus ride. There was a couple that was standing in front of us, waiting for someone to get off, so that they can sit. After waiting for awhile, someone did get off, but there was only 1 seat available, so only 1 of them can get to sit, so the guy sat down. But the girl proceeded to sit on the guys lap, like it was very common in China. The shopping mall is unique in the sense that, there was an indoor and outdoor building, and there are 4 levels for you to shop through and the stuff are relatively cheap. I am partially cured of my shopping addiction by going there! And, we shopped straight for 6 hours! =p We decided to eat at the sushi bar that was located in the indoor building for our dinner, and our dinner only cost RMB100+ (S$20+), which is more economic than Sakae Sushi, but Sakae taste so much better!


People in China are very innovative, in the sense that, they are able to think out of the box to make their life more convenient. For instance, this morning on the bus. In order to let them both sit, they do not mind being embarrassed or guilty that they are occupying the available space for people to stand in.

Loves, Charmaine

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