Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 29 - Coke factory!!

TGIF (Thank god it's Friday)!!!! Today, the only activity that we had, was to visit the Hu Bei Provisional Coca - Cola provisional office. Which only means 1 thing, free coke!!!! I hope.

We were suppose to gather at the entrance of the university at 8 30am to start the bus ride of over an hour to the factory. But we woke up earlier and went to order Tan Si Hao's cake for his birthday celebration tomorrow and get our breakfast. In the end, we we were late for over 5 minutes. To those that had to wait for us, I am very sorry.

After the bus ride, we finally arrived at the factory. After all of us departed from the bus, we were quickly brought to the function room to watch a short clip of the history and facts about how Coca - Cola has become the world's most respected beverage company. After the short clip. the staff from the company asked us some questions where the answer can be found in the clip and the person who gets it correct, gets a small gift.

We were then brought onto a tour of the factory. The tour guide told us that the factory was closed for the day to do maintaining and cleaning, so the process that we saw were all maintenance. The machine were all very complex and many staff were hired and trained to continue the daily operations to provide many different beverages (Coca - Cola has many different sub branches that manufactures many other beverages to increase the business volume and retain the consumers).

After we toured the manufacturing process, we went to the gallery of all the different commercials created for Coca - Cola and all the different bottles used over its long history. We took many group photos which can be used in our IS module's video.

After visiting the gallery, it was time to return back to school. But before going back, some of us took drinks from the refrigerator and we ran back to the bus, hoping that no one saw us. =p


China is a large country that indicates that the amount of beverages that they are able to consume is also a huge amount. To have many branches of the Coca - Cola factory located all over China, the amount of drinks that they can produce is a stunning number. Therefore, helping to satisfy the consumer's need to have a bottle of Coca - Cola and boosting the number of jobs available each year and the overall country's gross revenue annually. By visiting the Hu Bei's branch of the Coca - Cola factory, we are able to learn about; the process where the world's favorite beverage is created, the history of Coca - Cola and the way where the machines are opereted by the trained staff.

Loves, Charmaine

P.S China's Coca - Cola taste awesome!!!!^^

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