Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 3 - Shopping!!

Woke up at 8 30am today, did my morning routine SLOWLY.. Got chided by Hazel and Eline for using the toilet for a long long time, comparing me to laying an egg. -.- Decided to wear 5 layers to try to keep warm today (hope it works).We heard from fathullah that it snowed for 30 minutes, but is only a little snow. We also renamed it as dandruff snow^^

We met the local students at 9 30am at the bottom of the building to visit the adjacent street to eat some local breakfast. It was very near to our dorms, so we just had to cross the streets to reach the known food street of Wu Han university. We had some steamed bread that contains different fillings. To most, it will be known as Bun^^

After breakfast, we took a shortcut through the campus to take a bus to the shopping mall to buy the necessities that we need for the trip. The bus in China is vastly different from the ones in Singapore. The bus drivers are loud and the bus is extremely packed (must beware of pickpockets).
Us with local students^^
The shopping mall (open air type)

After arrival at the shopping mall, we decided to split up to each buy what we want. The all girls team main goal is to fid boots to combat the chilly weather for our feet. Shop after shop, we still could not find the perfect pair of boots to help us survive the weather. However, after about 3 hours of non - stop searching, Meow Lin and I finally found a pair we wanted for only RMB100(S$20)!!!

Black pepper beef rice plate

Seafood fried rice

After a fruitful shopping trip,dinner is served!! We had something similar to pepper lunch, the only difference is that there is a larger variety of 'hotplates' to choose from. I ordered a black pepper beef rice plate. But it was too spicy, so I gave it to fathullah to eat, while i took his seafood fried rice.

ISCM T1S3's logo!!!!

Wu Han's night view

After a very spicy dinner, we went back to the dorm. And here I am now^^


Becasue there will be no classes till the start of the second week, the lot of us has decided to enjoy Wu Han first, before concentrating on scoring for the two modules we will be taking here. After experiencing the public transportation of Wu Han, i have learnt a little more on the daily life of the Wu Han people. What i had observe about the behaviors about the commuters is the exact oppisite of Singaporeans. Even though the actions that they have made are considered 'taboo' in Singapore, this is what they have been doing their whole life, hence making it the way of living in Wu Han. This teaches me to keep an open mind about what i will be encountering in the several weeks in Wu Han.

P.S wearing 5 layers is still completely useless for a weather of 6 degrees and below -.-

Loves, Charmaine

Day 2 - Orientation!!

Woke up at 8 30am to prepare to meet the group at 9 30am. Very tired from the long flight and heavy clothing that we have to don to keep warm.

It was drizzling!! Although it was just a little rain, but in this weather, even a little rain is ALOT of coldness that I can take. Gotten to know which classroom we will be using and it has a heater!!! In this cold weather, even a little warmth is very good.

After being introduced to the following teachers who will be teaching us the IS module, we got to tour the school. The entire compound is huge, with many old buildings. It was like a walk back in time to see how china was really like in the past. After knowing where the important buildings are (classrooms and clinic), we are dismissed and we went for lunch. In the university’s main canteen, the students are each given a card (a little similar to the ez-link card). In each card, there is a value of RMB 100, which is used to buy food. As the food cost about RMB2.50 for each dish, the value can last for a long time.

We are allowed out of the campus for the whole day, as there isn't any lessons. We went to tour the city, while shopping for necessities. After that, we had steamboat for dinner.

Loves, Charmaine

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 1 - Arrival

Today is the day that I will be going to Wu Han, China~! Flight was at 6am, however we had to gather at 5 30am (not used to waking up early >.<) When I reached the airport, everyone looked as nervous and as excited as me!! Was it because it was their first time going abroad or was it their first time traveling in a huge group?? Hmm.. After a short photo - taking sessions and bon voyages, it was time to check in. All of our parents were standing behind the glass panel waving goodbye. Already missing my mum and dad =) When we reached Wu Han airport, there were a bunch of students that stood in the freezing temperature and waited for us. Although it may seem like nothing to them, as they lived there their whole live. But to me, it was extremely touching to wait in the freezing cold for a period of time for a group of strangers that you have never met before. =) So they volunteered to carry our heavy luggage for us, up onto the bus to be transported to the university's dorm. On the 1 hour journey to the university, a student chatted with us throughout the trip. Questions were asked about out life in Singapore, our culture, weather and family. We felt like we knew each other for a long time, and rapport is rapidly built =)

The dorm was small, with 3 double beds, tables and chairs. It was not what we were used to back in Singapore. After viewing the entire dorm, i felt that i can not take things for granted anymore. We are very lucky to have thick mattress for beds, hot water for bathing.

After leaving our belongings in the dorms, we went right out the Wu Han streets for dinner for the local students. Food was cheap!!! For RMB4, u can have a hot plate of either meat or vegetables. In total, we ordered 5 dishes and one soup, which only cost us about RMB30 (s$6). Say cheap??

People back in Singapore, please miss me!!!! I am missing all of you terribly right now. At least, i have my Eeyore with me to kill boredom. Take care and see ya in 6 weeks!!!


The people in China is very warm and welcoming. Although, we have our cultural difference, it was not hard to get pass it and form strong bonds even though it was only the first day. The local students always try to communicate with us in English, even if English is not the first language in China. This shows me that the Chinese are willing to put in effort to try and perfect whatever they put their mind to.

Loves, Charmaine^^