Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 21 - Stressed!!

Today was the last day of revision before the exams!!! >.<

Class started as per normal today, at 9am. We started on the last assignment for program evaluation and review techniques (PERT). After about an hour, we finished the assignment and we are dismissed for lunch and we are free for the day. As, we have to start our revision for the written test. STRESSED!

After lunch, we stayed in our room and studied all the way. So, we don't have anything to blog about. Wish me luck for my test!!! ^^

Loves, Charmaine

Day 20 - Raining!!

My alarm rang at 7 30am this morning, bummer. Got up and saw dark clouds in the sky. Which means it will probably rain, no fun.

We left the dorm at 8 30am, but we saw heavy pouring rain and I was too lazy to walk back to the dorm and get my umbrella. So, I had to share the umbrella with Fathullah. Walking with him will kill my feet! He was speed – walking under the rain, trying to catch up to him requires running!
When we reached class, it was like an umbrella party. All the umbrellas were open and drying off. Trying to walk to my seat needs at least 5 minutes. Today in project management class, we started on a new chapter, Program evaluation and review technique (PERT).

A brief introduction on program evaluation and review technique (PERT), it is used when we cannot be certain that about the activity duration or when we cannot work out an exact project duration. After Ms Neo taught us about the techniques used in program evaluation and review technique (PERT), we did 2 assignment pertaining to this chapter. After a while, Ms Neo said that it will be too tiring to continue on the next assignment. So, we went for lunch and came back to do practical. And so, we managed to finish the entire practical by 1 day! Ms Neo then said that, we are able to have more time to revise on our practical test that will be conducted on the following week. =( Stress!

After lessons, we went back to our room to start revision for the written test. We did not know what to study on, so we just started to re – do the assignments, hoping it will be of use. While studying, we used a lot of brain cells and energy trying to remember, so we got hungry^^. We were too lazy to walk out to buy food, so we decided to call and order food. It was a tough call between KFC, MacDonald and CNCLS (the local KFC). The guys (mainly Noor) wanted to have KFC, as the portion of food is bigger. But we wanted Macdonald instead, so the “battle of dinner” commenced for an hour, till we can’t take it anymore and decided on KFC. It was so cumbersome trying to order for 7 people in Chinese. However, the delivery time here is very efficient, delivering out food in less than 45 minutes. But when the food arrived, we realized that there was a set meal missing, so we called back to KFC to have them re – send our order.

When Eline and Meow lin went to collect the meal, they told us that the delivery man was very sorry for the order and begged us to cancel the complaint as it was his first day, and he ordered a free box of chicken pieces as compensation. It was a shock to us, as we didn’t complain to the woman in charge of the orders and we did not want it to be an inconvenience to the delivery man.


By learning about program evaluation and review technique (PERT), we will be able to measure out a safe estimation of the project and activity duration, therefore not having to incur extra costs. Also, the locals take each customer and their requests as the utmost importance. We were just calling to get back the missing set meal, we did not expect to get an innocent delivery man into trouble. The Chinese expects top servies for their customers, just like they want the best for their guest, even if the guest is not distinguished. This is similar to Singapore’s GEMS award, rewarding service staff with an honour, hoping that they will kepp up the good work. =)

Loves, Charmaine

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 19 - IS module

IS class will start at 1pm today, so I have decided to wake up at 10am. Today, everyone has decided to wake up earlier then me, so I have become the laziest person. =)

After waking up, I prepared myself then went out to buy lunch. The local students have told us that they went to see the cherry blossoms at Wu Han university. To clear the air, I’m studying in Wu Han SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY university. I want to see cherry blossoms too =(

At 1pm, our IS lesson started with the reasons of why businessmen would want to choose China as the location of breaking into the foreign market. After about 2 hours of lecture, the Deputy Director of Ngee Ann polytechnic, Mr Foo. It was nice seeing someone care about how we are getting along in Wu Han. =) He asked about how we are doing and whether we have any complains. Our lessons ended about 4pm, and we headed back to our dorm to do blogging while we had no internet connection on the cruise.

After 2 hour and 30 minutes, we went to eat with the local students, Si Hao’s treat. Now, I can’t use VPN again. So I am just typing it in Microsoft word =)


Through today’s IS class, I am able to learn more about the working relations between the different departments of a company. Thus helping me accomplish one of the inquiries that I have stated in my learning plan. By learning about the correct way on building office relations, I will be able to handle my taks efficiently wthout offending anyone. Now, i also know about the differnt procedures used to begin a business in China. Which can help if i want to start a international business or if I am working for a firm that wants to venture into a international market.

Loves, Charmaine

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 18 - the DAM thing

When I woke up today, the first thing that I saw was the concrete walls of the 3 gorges DAM. It was so close to our ship that, if you stretch, you could actually touch the concrete. Cool~

I woke up at about 6am, after hazel woke me up. I did my morning routine; I have also found the dead carcasses of the flies that I have heard so much about, on the ceiling of the toilet. -.- We were on time for breakfast today and we sat with the WUST staff for breakfast. The four of us didn’t eat much, as we had to clear the stocks that were left from the cruise. After breakfast, we returned the key to the counter and got back my RMB$20 deposit and went back to Meow lin and Eline’s room to eat the egg muffins that were left. YUMZ! After we waited for about 10 minutes, the ship docked at the port and it was goodbye “Golden Sun” (name of the ship).

Immediately when we left the ship, we had to climb a long stairway to get to the bus station to board the bus to go to the 3 gorges DAM. I am talking about the DAM that holds water and not the other similar word that is used to swear at someone =) The bus ride took about 1 hour of rocky roads and bumpy terrains before reaching the tourist site of the DAM.

The places that we have to visit are split into 3 main areas. The mini model building of the DAM with many monuments that signifies the importance of the DAM next will be the close – up of the DAM and lastly the park that is built to commemorate the completion of the DAM. Each location that we visited took 30 minutes, 10 minutes and 30 minutes respectively. The whole tour took about an hour and 10 minutes.

At the first location, the mini model of the various management of the DAM, the tour guide explained to us about the different usage of the DAM. The DAM is not really in use now, as it is the low tide season where there will be rarely any flooding. After, we passed the section of the mini models; we saw many different type of monuments outside. For instance, a large metal structure that looks like a book explaining how the DAM came about. We took many photos there till the tour guide told us that the 30 minutes of touring this section is up.

Next, we took the shuttle bus for about 5 minutes to the next location, the close – up view of the DAM. The tour guide told us that for this section of the tour, we can only stay for 10 minutes. =( So, we hurried and took many photos of the DAM and see if there is any souvenirs that we can buy for the people in Singapore. =) I saw a ink stamp that is made out of different types of stones and you can carve anything you want on it. It looks similar to the one that I already have and it is quite expensive (RMB40 = S$8), so I decided not to spend money on that =) Are you happy now, Evelyn Ng???

Lastly, we went to the commemoration park. The journey from the close – up tower to the commemoration park took about 10 minutes. On the drive, we passed a bridge that is claimed as one of Asia’s longest bridge. When we reached the park, I was awestricken by the beauty and size of the park. The park is filled with statures and modern day art pieces. After strolling through the park, we arrived at another store that sells local delights and craftsmanship. So, I decided to buy the local tea leaves for uncle Yamaha =) don’t worry fellow Singaporeans, I have not forgotten you! Your souvenirs will be bought at a later date~ =)

After touring the 3 gorges DAM, we headed off to lunch!!! Lunch had fatty pork meat (yumz), Dong Fen (double yumz) and seaweed soup (finally, no more egg and tomato!!!). After lunch, we are on the way back to Wu han!!! =) I slept on the bus for over 3 hours. I have sent my clothes for cleaning, and typing my blog entry now. =)


Through this cruise, I have learnt so much more about the culture, geographical, economics and history of the ancient yet modernizing city of Yi Chang. Yi Chang is a city with a very rich culture background and famous political figures. It is considered one of the most developed cities in China, accompanied by a beautiful landscape. I have gained more knowledge about this city, which I have never known about before. Through this cruise, I have also gained in – depth knowledge about the life of the locals and the hardships that they have to go through. Thus making me re – think the way that I should get through each day in Singapore. I now know that I should appreciate the things and people that I have now, instead of thinking that they are disposable.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 17 - 3 gorges tour

When I opened my eyes today, I suddenly remembered that I am on the cruise!!! My day started with me waking up at 6am, after Hazel called me up. After going through my daily routine, but in a smaller room, we went for breakfast =)

Breakfast was relatively simple, with buns, porridge and side dishes. They served a red bean fried bread dish, which was absolutely delish! After breakfast, we gathered our valuables and went for our first location; Guan Yin temple. When the ship docked at the port, we walked to the bus terminal which brought us to the enormous site!! It is located on two mountains, which is connected by just a bridge. Once we reached the temple, the locals told us to enter a room which a high priest blessed us and told us to make 3 wishes. After the 3 wishes, he started choosing people to enter a back room, while the rest just went out from the entrance where we entered from, and were told to offer joss sticks. I overheard that those that are told to offer joss sticks have accumulated a lot of sins. Hence, the monk was trying to alleviate our sins, but it depends on the each individual. I was one of the many that was told to offer joss sticks. =/

We were only allowed 1 hour and 30 minutes for the whole excursion, as the ship leaves at 9 10am sharp. So, we were told to quicken our steps. On the other side of the mountains, there were many many steps leading to the place where we were going to visit. I was told that there were over 300 steps to climb!! Because of the fact that there are too many steps to climb, and some of the tourist are elderly, the locals decided to create an business idea, where the men will carry the client up on the steps using bamboo chairs and stilts holding the chair. After we left the place, we bought many snacks which will be used either in playing a very disgusting game (mixing all the food together, and the loser has to eat it) or condiments for bread.

After playing the very disgusting game, we stayed on the top deck and looked at the 3gorges which can also be found on the RMB10 bill. There is a very cool way of dying here in the past. As this place was once a famous battle field, there will definitely be bloodshed. For the high ranking officers that have lost their life in the war, will be buried in a coffin, high up the mountains, it is believed that by doing so the spirit has a higher chance of going to heaven =) After viewing the 3 gorges, we still have 3 hours before our next trip to visit the Changjiang River. So we rushed to the guys' room and ate the apples that we bought, while watching Euro trip =)

Immediately after the movie ended the announcement for the Changjiang boat ride starts. We were to first take a boat ride for 1hour 30 minutes before reaching the exact boat that a lot of tourist will squeeze into a ‘sampan’ like boat and have men row the boat for 2 hours to visit the scenic site of the Shennongxi stream. When the ‘sampan’ started to move, by the huge efforts made by the men, the person provided by the boat ride started to explain about the history of the stream. When I looked at the middle – aged men row the boat that was when I totally understand that money is not easy to make. =( The boat is a very long and narrow ‘sampan’ that sinks to half of its height when it is full capacity. There were about 20 people in one boat, with only 4 rowers and 1 navigator. The entire boat ride takes about 2 hours covering over 60km. Now people, imagine 4 men, all almost reaching the age of 50 with 1 of them being 74 years old; rowing a boat seated by about 25 people (including themselves) for over 60km for 2 hours. That is a very tough job that only makes the minimal of wages only able to provide their family with the basic necessities. There is also a possibility that the rower is the only member of the family with a stable income, and he may have to provide for a large family. =(

After the boat ride, we returned back to our ship by an hour cruise ride. When we reached back to our room, we put down all our belongings and went for dinner. Our plan was to look at the dishes for dinner and decide if we should eat what they provided or eat our instant noodles, as we brought too much food and they need to be cleared by today! To our dismay, the food looks appetising; so we ate their dinner (we still need to clear the food!!!). =( So now, I have eaten my dinner and started to do a blog draft in Microsoft word and I shall upload it tomorrow when I return back to my dorm. =)


This cruise trip has really broadened my view of the world outside of my comfort zone. Back in Singapore, where the loving conditions and quality of life is higher, we usually take it for granted where we will get what we want from our doting parents. Many Singaporean may never have experienced the hardship that is faced daily by these men. Life is so tough here, that an elderly man cannot even retire to enjoy his old age. He still has to work by rowing boats that are exceptionally heavy for long hours. I think that he would rather spend time playing chess or playing with his grandchildren, rather than row a heavy boat that is full of tourist to just earn ends meet. By coming for this OIP trip and cruise, I now understand the pains that our parents have to take to provide us with not only the basic needs but also our materialistic wants. =(

Loves, Charmaine

P.S I really really miss you guys now =( About 24 more days to go guys!!! Madeline, I want to go shopping once I return k!!?? Rachel, I still haven’t found your phone’s casing but don’t worry, I will make sure I return with all the colours in the rainbow casing for you!!! LEE SHI HAO!!! DO NOT EVEN THINK OF SLEEPING ON MY BED!!! OTHERWISE, YOU ARE TOAST WHEN I COME BACK!!! =)