Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 6 - Performance

Today’s the day of the performance for the local students!!! Can’t help but feel a little worried that they may not understand or dislike our performance. Woke up early again due to being a light sleeper. The hunch that waking up extremely early will become a routine -.- Ms Neo has decided to let us off early for rehearsal, so class started at 9am and ended around 11 15am. We had lunch at the main canteen, and I ordered Beef noodle. It was spicy >.<

The performance starts at 7pm, so we still had plenty of time to laze around before the full – dress rehearsal. So Meow lin, Eline, Hazel and I went out to the streets to buy our necessities (moisturizer, mask and lip balm). My face has been cracking every single day. It hurts a lot, so finally got a decent moisturizer.
After resting for 2 hours and rehearsals, it was finally the performance. I had to change into my Indian outfit. It was very contradicting, having a fair person dress as a dark skin person. The performance was awesome! We had so much laughter, my sides hurt >.< After the performance, we played some games. Zhi Long, one of the local students lost and had to dance with another girl, hilarious moments!

We went for dinner after the photo session at the nearby porridge store. Ordered wrong food. Again. -.-


For Project management, I have learnt how to do a proper GANTT chart. By using a GANTT chart, we will be able to fully maximise the time spent on the project, to minimize cost and reduce the amount of time spent. I have able learnt about the way to draw an AOA diagram. During the performance, I can see that the local students are genuinely interested in learning about the Singapore’s culture. They are also very enthusiastic about participating in the games, unlike some Singapore students.

Loves, Charmaine

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