Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 32 - Final Presentation

Today is the final presentation of Project management. Which means that our trip will be coming to an end soon. =( I will miss the fried rice that we can find in the back street. My favorite is the beef fried rice with the additional egg. It is one of the most frequently visited store that is located in the back street. They offer fried noodles and rice in their large menu. The only thing that i do not really love, is the amount of oil that is added into each order at a time. The amount of oil would definitely be considered extremely unhealthy in Singapore. But the oil is what makes the fried rice taste soooooo good. I am drooling right now. =p

Class started promptly at 9am, as we need to set up the computers to present our power-point to both Ms Neo and the class. To make the presentation arrangement fair for all the groups, Ms Neo decided on a lucky draw AGAIN. To make matters worse, we are going to present first. For the interim presentation, we were the last group to present. For the final presentation, we are the first group to present. HOW LUCKY ARE WE!!??? It was meant to be sarcastic for those who do not know. Our presentation went on rather smoothly, with little questions from the class and Ms Neo (is it a good or bad thing, that no one wanted to ask question??).

After all the groups have presented, Ms Neo announced that it was the last day of class and we have a final final excursion to the university's new campus tomorrow. Everyone was quite surprised that we still had an excursion, as everyone has made plans on how to spend the free day. But still, no more classes for the coming week before we return to Singapore!!!!

There was still time to eat the school's fried rice for the last time!! So, we rushed to the canteen before the canteen closes and we ordered the last plate of fried rice that we will be able to eat in Wu Han University of Science and Technology.

After eating lunch, we went back to our room to put down all our stuff and prepare to go out with the guys. As we were not able to get a bread van, all of us decided to take the bus for once. When we boarded the bus, we saw Xiang Hua, Xu Ke and her boyfriend. So, we decided to sit next to them and chat =)

After the long and bumpy bus ride of over 30 minutes, we finally arrived at Jiang Han Lu, where we went separate ways. We went to withdraw money first, and we shopped all the way to ATM shopping mall. However, Bu Xing Jie won't be open till 6pm, so we decided to go to Walmart first to get all the food for family and friends. The Walmart that we visited is much smaller then the one that is located in Xiao Ping Mao. There was so many things that we wanted to get, with limited budget and luggage space. In the end, i spent the least and yet, have one of the heaviest boxes. We decided that we were in no condition to shop, as we were carrying heavy and bulky boxes. So, we took a cab back, and it was only 5 30pm!!!

I decided to take a nap before we head out to buy food. But i slept till 9 30pm and it was too late to head out to buy food. So, i decided to boil and eat the sausages that we needed to clear before heading back.

Loves, Charmaine

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