Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 37 - Basketball match

Today was the basketball match that we are all waiting for!!! We all got ready at 9 30am, as the basketball match was scheduled at 10am. Yay!!!

Eline went out for breakfast, so she bought all of us MacDonald breakfast. Sausage with egg hamburger and warm (from hot turned warmed) chocolate. The weather was very sunny, which is very good for an on - going basketball match. =) When the basketball match commenced. I knew that our team would be in ALOT of trouble, as they looked like they had many practices before coming for this match, while our team were put together hastily.

The China team was very good, leading the scores of 20 - 4. =( Also, i experienced how they play, which was very rough and very serious. Many of our friends got injured because of the way that they play. One thing kept running through my mind, isn't this suppose to be a friendly match?? What would happen if this was a real competition?? =( In the end, Si Hao injured his ankle. GET WELL SOON!!!! =)

After the basketball match was over, we were going to head back to our room. BUT Noor left the keys with Eline, so none of us were able to go back to our rooms, so e were locked out of our own rooms. With no where else to go, we stayed at the field and watch the next match that is between their own students. When Si Hao returned, he just informed us that it was nothing serious, and he would be fine in a few days. =)

After having lunch, the girls decided to go play badminton. I rather stay in and prepare for the farewell dinner. But after a short while, they came knocking at the door, saying that the wind were not in their favour. The dress code was formal, but we were afraid that we were dressed too formally. >.<

At 6pm, we went to the uber posh and grand hotel for our 15 course dinner!!!!! ~Happy me~ Before heading to the hotel for our dinner, we had the largest photo taking session ever!!! The MDEs, ECEs, staff and the local students.


For the dinner, each representative from the divisions came up to say a few words before the dinner officially starts. Sam from the ECE division said, the warmth and hospitality that the China students have shown us, have made all of us forget about the feeling of missing home. That sentence have made such an impact on us! When we first arrived, everyone missed home terribly and wanted nothing more then to fly back to Singapore immediately. But the kindness that the students have shown us, have made me forget to miss home. =p I will miss them terribly when i return to Singapore. We are now counting down to return home by just single digits. =(

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