Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 39 - Rain!!!! & this is really good bye Guang Gu!

Rain!!! Rain!!!! This morning, everyone was so gloomy~ Either because of the rain or the fact that projects were all that everyone could think about. So, i just stayed in my dorm and watch FRIENDS and update my blog. =)

At about 2pm, i couldn't stand it anymore, so i went to buy lunch, wearing just my jacket, FBT and SOE shirt. The weather was very chilly and everyone on the streets were wearing thick clothing, with the exception of me =( I quickly walked to buy fried rice hoping that i don't freeze to death before having my last meal. Everyone was staring at me, thinking is she cold at all? One of the strangers on the street, asked me if I'm feeling cold. I did not know how to respond, so i just quickly walked back to my dorm to enjoy my piping hot fried rice. =)

At about 4pm, Si Hao came up to our room to ask if we wanted to follow him to Yes I Do hair Salon, as he finds that the curls in his hair isn't obvious. We quickly jumped at the chance to return!! =)

In the end, the both of us just ended up washing our hairs. -.- Before we left Guang Gu forever. This time, it really will be the last time we will step foot in Guang Gu. We went to have dessert and coffee in Starbucks. =) The desserts wasn't that bad. And the staff were all trained to speak basis English, so that they can communicate with the international customers.

After having dessert time at Starbucks, we took a bread van back to our dorms and bid goodbye to Guang Gu forever. =( On our way back, we saw a bunch of people rioting for Dong Hu. It seemed to be about the environmental rights of Dong Hu. The uncle had no choice but to take a longer route.

After reaching back, we immediately started to pack again. I'm worried that my luggage will be over - weight and i will have to pay for the excess weight. =(

Loves, Charmaine

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